


HISTORY Technik rays Creative (CV. SINTECH RAKINDO) is a company that engaged in manufacturing producing supermarket shelves, warehouse shelves, racks and accessories hypermart other supermarket shelves. CV. SINTECH RAKINDO established on July 7, 2009 in Surabaya have the vision and mission as follows: VISION AND MISSION vision: - Being the leading company producing the best product se-Indonesia supermarket shelves. Mission: Always innovating to improve products. Improving consumer confidence in the product. Strengthen marketing system with the values ​​of honesty and economical.     CORPORATE CULTURE The company has a working principle for the conduct of its activities, namely: Motivation Always working to achieve its vision. Innovative Always strive to renew the higher quality products. Leadership Instill leadership values ​​to all member companies to be more animating concept led and lead. Economical Always trying to remain economically valuable products with the best quality. Dedication Take an active role in promoting Indonesian products. FIRM COMMITMENT CV. SINTECH RAKINDO always committed to provide the best quality products for all consumer. By the way: A quality product. Economical Price First Product Indonesia   Business partner Professionalism: we are always committed to establishing business relations mutual and equal benefits so that these relationships intertwined professional between business partners. Standard quality: we always strive to maintain and improve product quality so it can be accepted by all people. Global: we establish cooperation between all our business partners both locally and International to improve product quality by maintaining the quality of raw materials through the production process with international standards. PRODUCTION SYSTEM PRODUCTION PROCESS AND EQUIPMENT PRODUCTION: CV. SINTECH RAKINDO production process refers to the needs of existing supermarkets in Indonesia EQUIPMENT Equipment used from selecting raw materials to the production process using modern equipment and advanced today. PRODUCT CV. SINTECH RAKINDO : - Gondola Supermarket Shelves - Shelving Warehouse - Shelves Hypermart - Accessories - Pallet Iron PURPOSE: Placing goods to be sold in the minimarket, supermarket, hypermarket. etc COVER CV. SINTECH RAKINDO want to play an active role and contribute in advancing the role in the field modern market. And always committed to maintaining the quality of the product so that it can be accepted by all Indonesian people. Therefore we always want criticism and constructive suggestions from all consumers for the advancement CV. SINTECH RAKINDO. Thanks Instagram : @pabrikrak_indonesia

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